Scrim Tape 90m
Shipped by iKoustic from the UK
£7.14 inc. VAT
- Dimensions: 1mm x 48mm x 90mm
- Weight: 100g
- For: homes, workplaces, industrial developments, and specialist audio environments.
- Installation: simply apply to all plasterboard joins and follow plastering advice.
- Where: for use with all Acoustic and Soundproof Plasterboard finishes, this includes our MuteBoard™ to provide bonding for a skim plaster layer between all joins.
Scrim Tape 90m
Scrim Tape is an essential accessory for dry-liners and DIY enthusiasts, it is needed for any joins found in Acoustic Plasterboard to our MuteBoard® range, and it helps for skim plaster layer to stick to it. It is advised to apply this as you plaster and not in advance as the adhesive can lose its tack and fall off the wall.
- 1mm x 48mm x 90m
- Fibreglass mesh for a stronger joint
- Open fabric to eliminate blistering and bubbles

Important Information
Our products contain a high level of mass. If there are any structural concerns you will want to consult a Structural Engineer to discuss your requirements.
*Our Typical Performance Results and Noise Reduction Guidance are provided to indicate the results that have been achieved in previous tests but are not guaranteed to a specific site as multiple factors can affect this, you can view their variants on our ‘Featured Systems’ tab.