MuteMat® OSF 05 – Concrete Floor Soundproofing

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MuteMat® OSF 05

Take a look at the system’s features and benefits.

20dB ΔLw Impact Reduction*

Noises like footsteps on wood flooring and washing machines.

5 mm additional System Height

The height added to your floor after the system is installed.

MuteMat OSF 05 Concrete Floor Soundproofing System

We stand for quality, and we are proud of it.

A thin concrete over screed for treating impact noise. This is an upgrade from the 3mm option and is easy to install, cost-effective and made up recycled tires up to 94%.

MuteMat® OSF 750-05 is our most popular, highly effective and ultra-slim resilient acoustic underlay for soundproofing concrete flooring against intrusive impact noises. Its high recycled content helps to reduce the carbon footprint while still retaining a consistent density, this assures that our material’s acoustic performance and its longevity is upheld without fluctuation or fault.

Advice and installation

Our team are always a phone call away ready to offer advice and support. Our systems can be installed by competent DIYers but if you would like to work with an installer we have relationships with installers up and down the UK that we can put you in touch with.

  • Easy to install, roll out and tape joins (an adhesive may be required, please see below under installation)
  • System thickness from the existing floor 5mm
  • 20dB* (ΔLw) for impact reduction 
  • Compliant with both Part E Building Regulations (England, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland) and Building Standards Technical Handbook 2017 for Scotland for impact transmission.


A soundproofing system isn’t rocket science but sometimes figuring out which one is right for you can be challenging. Check out our FAQs, get in touch via our live chat, or give us a call to speak to a human.

Noisy neighbour situations can lead to tense living conditions for those subject to the noise, and it is often because of poor soundproofing or sometimes, no soundproofing that means that even just going about their daily lives above means that impact noise is heard through the ceiling – especially when there is a hard flooring installed above. So if your neighbours have agreed to lay an acoustic over screed, our MuteMat® OSF 750-05 comes with very little height loss and fantastic performance for impact noise. Its reduction figure is ΔLw 20dB on a 140mm concrete partition.

With tested acoustic figures as ΔLw 19dB reduction, on a 140mm concrete slab, results will differ depending on its flooring thickness. If you are looking to specify soundproofing over screed in an existing building for a conversion project – we would suggest carrying out an acoustic test of both airborne and impact noise to survey the current structure’s acoustic performance against the values of the Part E Building Regulations. In specification phase for new build plans, we can create partition designs with your proposed plans to review likely outcomes of acoustic performance in block and beam, pre-cast and cast in-situ concrete to find the best suited acoustic system alongside any other considerations.

It would often be accompanied with our MuteClip® soundproof ceiling systems to increase performance for airborne noise and any impact noise issues that are found to be high, and for reducing structural vibration being found at the ceiling level.

We would advise the same process as above, the regulations for both airborne and impact sound insulation values are higher across the board than those of the rest of the UK and Ireland. Most cases both conversion and new build would often require both floor and ceiling soundproofing to be installed.

It is not likely that MuteMat® OSF 750-05 would be suitable for the reduction of large machinery, especially that that require fixing in the concrete slab below and vibration would negate the acoustic over screeding – resulting in little to no overall reduction. With sitting lightweight vibration inducing apparatus and machinery on top, this will help to reduce vibration and any impact noise issues.

If you are still planning the structure, a floating concrete screed may be a better option with the use of our MuteMat® USP range, depending on the weights and level of control of structure-borne vibration.

For concrete foundation structures, MuteMat® OSF 750-05 would be a perfect addition to reduce vibration transfer and impact from instrumentation, or helping to isolate any subwoofers – each of these noise issues with direct contact may travel through the foundation and past any wall soundproofing you have in place. With rooms above others, a soundproof ceiling solution should be put in place to gain extra decoupling from the room above.

You can find all of our current information on this acoustic over screed, and it’s compatibility from the results below with use in conjunction with underfloor heating systems

Thermal Conductivity = 0.113 W/mK

Thermal Resistance = 0.047 m²K/W

Temperature Stability = -35°c to +100°c.

MuteMat® OSF 750-05 can be installed with great ease as a retrospective soundproof underlay, and it doesn’t require any structural work except for perhaps altering skirting boards and moving gripper rods. It is also a suited option for those looking to change final floor finishes to a hardened flooring or perhaps laminate, engineering wood, parquet and even ceramic tiling.

Important Information

Our products contain a high level of mass. If there are any structural concerns you will want to consult a Structural Engineer to discuss your requirements.

*Our Typical Performance Results and Noise Reduction Guidance are provided to indicate the results that have been achieved in previous tests but are not guaranteed to a specific site as multiple factors can affect this, you can view their variants on our ‘Featured Systems’ tab.

Delivery information.

If you place an order online it’s likely we will call to discuss delivery to make sure it runs as smoothly as possible. Deliveries can arrive on a large vehicle. If there are access issues or HGV restrictions, please do let us know in advance as our website options are given in good faith of no restrictions. All of our deliveries must be signed for so you will need to ensure someone is on the premises on the day of delivery.

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