Isolation Strip P8

Shipped by iKoustic from the UK


£7.14 inc. VAT

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    • Performance: Expected 4-8dB* improvement in joist floor systems.
    • Dimensions: 2m x 46mm x 4-8mm.
    • Weight: 500g
    • For: homes, workplaces, industrial developments, and specialist audio environments.
    • Compliance: Compliant with both Part E Building Regulations (England, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland).*
    • Installation: Please see our installation tab below.
    • Where: multi-use application on walls, floors and ceilings, with a special focus on decoupling the structure to improve acoustic performance.

Isolation Strip P8

Isolation Strip P8 is a strip of self-adhesive pimpled rubber used for reducing impact sounds travelling from the floor to rooms below. The P8 isolation strip is applied to the floor joists.

The pimpled P8 isolation strip has varying heights between 4-8mm which makes it a little more compressible, helps to reduce points of contact and spreads the load when a force from footsteps or pressure from furniture over a particular area is applied. This results in an enhanced treatment of impact transmission over flat isolation strips. Isolation Strip P8 will not falter under typical weights that are common in households and commercial properties

p8 roll

Find out more information about Isolation Strip P8 by downloading the guides below.

Installation Guide

Product Data Sheet


If you are looking to specify this product for a build, please refer to our downloads tab for technical product or systems information.

Technical Support
Should you require further technical assistance in specifying our products, please contact us.

BIM Objects
iKoustic also supply a selection of BIM objects via our NBS profile, which can be found here. 

Important Information

Our products contain a high level of mass. If there are any structural concerns you will want to consult a Structural Engineer to discuss your requirements.

*Our Typical Performance Results and Noise Reduction Guidance are provided to indicate the results that have been achieved in previous tests but are not guaranteed to a specific site as multiple factors can affect this, you can view their variants on our ‘Featured Systems’ tab.

Delivery information.

If you place an order online it’s likely we will call to discuss delivery to make sure it runs as smoothly as possible. Deliveries can arrive on a large vehicle. If there are access issues or HGV restrictions, please do let us know in advance as our website options are given in good faith of no restrictions. All of our deliveries must be signed for so you will need to ensure someone is on the premises on the day of delivery.

Delivery Times